Should Tyranny Be Accepted, Part Three
Will corrupt ambitions continue to surge within the political, financial, and media elites – affronting the Rights of the People, or will the People rise and seek moral and honest judgment when executing the laws necessary to maintain the republic? For far too long, an inflated propensity of unreasonable...
Should Tyranny Be Accepted, Part Two
Will the People abandon the noble struggle to remain free? Will their fear of becoming unable to cope with formidable adversaries, immoral and corrupt political, financial, and media elites, consume them? Though they may be old parchments or musty documents, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are the sacred...
Should Tyranny Be Accepted, Part One
Should the People of the United States, the true sovereign, seek to live in a democratic republic, or subjugated under an authoritarian oligarchy? Since the end of the Second World War, the question how an authoritarian government could come to power is often asked. How could a political philosophy...
Authoritarianism is Becoming Accepted
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” Samuel Adams Wherever one looks today, authoritarianism is becoming increasingly accepted, not because people unequivocally believe in an autocracy, but because they are hesitant, uncertain of their...