Has the republic failed the People, or have the People failed the republic? Part IV
The People of America created a land where the dreams of the imagination are believed.
To an American, a principled government is the discipline that brings about security and safety, along with personal, as well as professional prosperity. But should government become managed by individuals, who at times may deviate from a moral standing and let depravity and perversion rule in their heart, the affairs of the People can only be deliberated with true vigilance.
The People’s character, their occupation, and possessions, are more meaningful than a contract in writing, or the manufacture of needed and essential products, for People know if harmful activities by government are disregarded, or unheeded, exceedingly dishonest and sinister politicians will take earned prosperity from the People. How? Political parties.
A Party attains influence within a group of the People by distorting the views and ideals of another, which over time becomes an effective instrument, cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled politicians use to subvert the reins of government away from the People for their own personal benefit, thereby overthrowing the mechanisms that lifted them to their undeserved dominance. These actions over time, ruin the personal, as well as professional prosperity, of the People.Through experience and the passage of time, the People have found defects in the federal system, and, to the bewilderment of the People, government has created far-reaching agencies that in many instances go well beyond what is permitted by the Constitution. These modifications undertaken by government, were in response to the demands of the People that ‘government must do something to fix something else’, and so government did. But in doing so it subverted the reins of power from the People. How? Due to the failure of the People to monitor the government, the vultures in power, devoured the prosperity of the People.