The Americans
“The closer politicians and bureaucrats are to the People, the less corruption there will be. This is the true meaning of a democratic republic.”
Many of the so-called Tolerant, Inclusive, Genuine, and Equitable people on the Left are nothing more than tribal in their beliefs, fools fixed in their follies, who think that they alone turn the wheel, but their ambitions operate with deception, so much so that reaching out to provide an opposing point of view simply becomes a misuse of time, for in reality the wheel is designed to present such a deed that what the intolerant experience is the wheel cannot be turned by them alone. It requires the involvement of all of the People, for without them, the wheel will remain unmoving, forever still.
People do not enter into a society in an effort to become of a poorer quality of themselves or to those around them. They do not seek to be less fortunate, or wanting of a future, nor do they do so to have fewer Rights than before. No. People enter into a society to have their Rights competently protected from threats, especially those by the intolerant, for it is they who seek to rule not by principle, but by means of perversion, to torment the People – terrify them into obedience. Yes. It is the intolerant, those who are the true threat to democracy. Those are the individuals who the People must be weary of – for although they are not many, they are authoritarian in nature and through preeminent arrogance claim superiority above all others. The intolerant strongly believe they possess the power to do what they deem right regardless of the severe damage created on the majority. They, who claim to hold the high ground of righteousness – they who lift their right hand before the People to draw their attention from the decadence their left hand commits while reaching into the pockets of the People to rob them of their prosperity, their pride, and their Rights, the solid foundation of a society’s civil Rights.
Within all people exists an unwritten, unspoken law. One that is inborn in the heart of all people. This law was not acquired through education, or repetitious preparation, or intense study, nor does it come from a notion or by tutoring. It derives through the observation of nature – the greatest truth of all – the Right to be an individual, acting for their own contentment and pleasure, while avoiding harm to the Rights of others. This law, laid down before all others, ensures the livelihood and the life of an individual and the society one resides. When endangered by depraved antagonists, bandits, or plots of violence, all means shall be made available to protect the Rights of the individual and the society called home. No individual, or group of individuals possess the authority to strip away the Rights bestowed upon the People by Nature’s Creator. Not one.
Rights are not endowed by a town council, state assembly, or national Congress – decadent and depraved politicians, their minions, the institutionally corrupt bureaucrats, and not by self-indulgent special interest groups, for they too are nothing more than a race of leviathans that resemble painted mausoleums, and although they may look compassionate, when scrutinizing their eyes and personalities, nothing is seen but deceit and treachery. The crimes the People have been and continue to witness, including the raiding of local, state and federal Treasuries, has been going on for decades. The bread and wine, the incomes and the investments, the land and the property of the People, taxed not only for baseless individuals who do not even deserve the name of a person, but also accommodating organizations that will obeisance to America and its People, receive the People’s charity and assure them they will assist in maintaining goodwill in troubled times, to support the People in time of manmade or natural disasters – and yet, it is during times of weakness or upon the cessation of finances, these parasitic groups assist domestic and foreign enemies in the harming Americans, and eventually the destruction the country. Were they bound to us with ties of love? No. The intolerant will take our very flesh, for they loath and despise tolerance. When a local, state, or federal government becomes powerful, it becomes destructive, extravagant and violent; it is a usurper which takes the bread from the majority to feed the mouths of the obese minority, depriving the People of their substance. But why? To what purpose do they do this? For the purpose of constructing modern feudalism.
“If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.”
– John Adams