The True Betrayal: A Nation’s Voice Versus the Elite’s Control
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told CNN host Michael Smerconish Saturday that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control.” Who is “we”, Mrs. Clinton?! The immoral, corrupt, and arrogant, elite?!
Clinton wants to see more done by the federal government to moderate content. “We can look at the state of California, the state of New York, I think some other states have also taken action, but we need national action, and sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children,” she added. Again, who is “we”? And whose children is she addressing?
Clinton considers the issue should be “at the top of every legislative political agenda”. In addition, she called for the annulling Section 230 of the Communications Act, a section that shields online platforms from liability for third-party subject matter, including posts on social media. The protection pertains to only content and its deletion in distinct occurrences. What distinct occurrences? Who determines? Again, the immoral, corrupt, and arrogant, elite?! “We should be, in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave, you know, platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted,” She continued, “But we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control. And it’s not just the social and psychological affects, it’s real life.” Whose psychological and real life, the immoral, corrupt, and arrogant, elite?! Clinton said the social media companies should have their immunity stripped so “guardrails” could be implemented. Implemented by who?
Now, it is our turn to respond to Mrs. Clinton! A nation of well-informed People, who have been educated through education or nature, know to prize the rights which Nature, Omnipotence, God has given them cannot be confined to the whims of the immoral, corrupt, and arrogant, elite, for it is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins to enslave the People. Why? America belongs to every individual. It does not belong to Congress. It doesn’t belong to special interest groups. It does not belong to the courts. It belongs to the People, for they are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the true sovereign power, and if the People are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be well informed. Not confined, not censored, not constrained to speak or write as freely as nature, omnipotence, or God minds permit them. A nation cannot survive its fools, or their ambitious, nor can it survive treason from within. An enemy at the gate is less formidable, for they are known and carry the banner of the hostile force. But a traitor moves freely amongst the People within the gate. The traitor speak in sly whispers rustling through all the alleyways, heard in the very halls of government, spreading toxic poison among those who lack the ability to think critically. For the traitor appears not as a conspirator, no. A traitor speaks in accents familiar to his victims and wears their face and voices their arguments. The traitor appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all People. The words of a traitor rots the soul of a nation, by working secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the government, infecting the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer has less to fear, for the traitor is incurable plague upon the nation’s heart and soul.